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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weight Loss Tips

As a Well coach and Health/Fitness Instructor, I’ve heard many excuses, diets,
and scams to lose weight.  After sorting through all the misinformation, certain
concepts and principles emerge—the real deal for permanent weight loss—the
bottom line.  Below is what you need to know based on science and my
experience as a health professional working with hundreds of people over the
last decade to coach them successfully towards healthier eating behaviors

Nutrient vs. Caloric Density:  Start thinking about the density of your food. 
How many nutrients vs. calories does your food have per serving?  Are your
food choices packed with calories but virtually no nutritional value (like most
Americans), or do you choose foods that are loaded with nutrition while
remaining low-calorie?  Basically, you need to start “thinking about” the
effects of what you are eating on your body—BEFORE you eat it!  Mindless
eating results in you waking up one day confused and asking yourself how
you gained all those pounds.  Mindful  eating of healthy foods will reduce
unhealthy weight gains—or prevent them altogether.  Think before you eat

Energy Balance: What goes in with many  people does not come out. 
Basically, the energy you put into your body (calories consumed) needs to be
used.  If the calories are not used,  they are stored as fat.  You have two
choices to reduce fat weight—either put fewer calories into your body or take
more out—it’s that simple.  Putting less in requires mindful eating to STOP
“before” you exceed the energy needs of your body for its daily activity levels. 
Taking more out means you physically exercise more.  To accelerate weight
loss, you do both—consume less calories when eating while burning more
calories with exercise.  No magic “Western” bullet with me—just proper eating
and regular exercise!

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