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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Top Ten Weight-Loss Principles

• Fad diets typically do not have balance, variety, and moderation.  Without
these three key ingredients, it is impossible to maintain an eating program
“for life.”  There are endless new diets being created—always ask yourself
if they have balance, variety, and moderation.  If not, throw them out!
¾ Wellness is a lifestyle.  Eating healthy is something you do for life—
not just during a fad diet.  We know diets don’t work, so stop wasting
your time and money with them.  Be reasonable by using the above
principle to eat consistently with balance, variety, and moderation—for life!
2. EAT BREAKFAST:  Start Your Day Right!
• You only have a two-hour metabolic window to eat after you wake up in
the morning.  If you don’t eat within two hours of waking, your metabolism
will slow down for about the next 24 hours and go into “fat- storage” mode
which is exactly the opposite of what  you want.  You need to give your
body the signal to burn as many calories as need for  full function and
“High-Performance Health” by giving it fuel within two hours of waking.  
¾ I’ve had people start eating breakfast that never changed what they were
eating the rest of the day, and they immediately started to lose weight.  I
know this sounds crazy, but they “ate more to weigh less!”  It is all about
metabolism.  Kick your metabolism into high gear with a healthy breakfast
then charge into your day with increased energy and vitality—Yahoo!
3. MEAL TIMING:  Fuel Your Fire!
• Going too long between meals has  a similar effect to not eating
breakfast—you slow down your metabolism.  Unless you are sleeping, try
not to exceed a 4-5 hour window between eating.
¾ Ideally, your window is even closer  to 3-4 hours between meals.  I like to
see people eating about 5-6 times per day.  The in-between meals should
be smaller and lighter.
4. WATER:  Are Ya Yellow?
• Staying hydrated has plenty of assorted health benefits.  It helps with
weight loss specifically because as  the water fills your stomach, it
activates the “stretch receptors” in your stomach wall that in turn give
signals to your brain that you are filling up.  Basically, you “pre-fill” your
stomach with zero calorie water instead of higher calorie food.  Most
Americans are chronically dehydrated; unless you want to look like a
dehydrated raisin, don’t make this serious mistake!  
¾ To determine if you’re hydrated or not, look at the color of your urine.  If
your urine is very yellow, drink more water.  If your urine is very pale
yellow or clear, then you are properly hydrated.
5-A-DAY:  Fruits & Veggies=Ç Nutritional Value & È Fat/Calories
• Filling up primarily with low-fat and low-calories fruits and veggies will help
you reduce the available space for higher fat/calorie foods.  
¾ Additionally, fruits and veggies have many other health benefits that junk
foods do not significantly produce like fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water. 
Some fruits and veggies also reduce the chances for getting certain types
of cancer.
6. PORTION SIZES:  I Can’t Believe You Ate the Whole Thing!
• Dietary experts claim if Americans ate proper portions of food but never
changed their food choices that we could significantly reduce obesity in
our country.  Even if you are eating junk food—just stop eating so much! 
The “portion distortion” with most people  is completely out of control. 
Many restaurants now serve so-called individual dinners that are closer to
“five” dinners in portion!  Plates are larger—now even oval instead of
round to pack on more food.  A serving of meat is only 3.5 ounces (the
size of a deck of playing cards).  When is the last time you saw a
restaurant portion of meat like playing cards?  Maybe sushi in 1955!
¾ Try the  “1/3 Rule” for eating by Steve Ilg of Wholistic Fitness™.  Fill your
stomach with 1/3 food, 1/3 water, and leave it 1/3 “empty.”  Leaving a little
empty space will help with both digestion and calorie control.
7. EMPTY CALORIES:  “If man makes it, don’t eat it!” –Jack LaLanne
• People routinely eat junk food that has no nutritional value but is very high
in calories; thus, the calories are “empty” because they have no significant
vitamins and minerals.  Junk foods are high in calories per small serving,
and they quickly add on the pounds.  
¾ Danger!  It might not seem like you are eating a lot of volume, but per
gram junk foods are LOADED with fat and calories.  Think about where
these foods are in your daily eating then work to reduce them.
• It takes about 20 minutes to actually “feel full” after you have eaten
enough food.  If you eat too fast, you can easily overeat within 10 minutes
but keep right on eating because you don’t feel satisfied.  By eating slowly,
you allow your brain and stomach enough time to communicate properly
and you aid digestion by chewing your food more completely.  Relaxed
eating also promotes “mindful” eating.  Be mindful of what your food does
to your body—will your choices hurt or help you?  Think before you eat!
¾ Slow down enough and you might  even “taste” your food—what a
concept!  Many people’s eating more closely resembles that of a starving
animal than that of an appreciative human being thankful for their food—
be thankful for the food, those that brought it to you, and your health to eat
it.  Food is about more than not being hungry…slow down, think enough
about what and why you are eating, and you’ll find this out yourself…
9.EXERCISE:  The Only Real Fountain of Youth
• If I could put all the benefits of exercise into a pill, I’d be the richest man in
the world!  There isn’t much that exercise can’t help with in terms healthy
aging—it is the closest thing to a fountain of youth you’ll ever find.  For
optimal function, healthy aging, and  injury prevention, your weekly
exercise regimen should include cardio (for heart), strength (muscle tone),
and muscular flexibility/joint mobility.  While exercise is great for keeping
weight off, it is NOT the most optimal for taking the initial weight off.  The
average adult only burns about 600 calories per hour in a “hard” workout. 
A bacon double cheeseburger can exceed 1,100 calories—do the math. 
You’re in the hole if you think exercise alone can bail out your poor
eating—and “the hole” I’m referring to could be your early grave!  /
¾ To accelerate weight loss, use the strength component of exercise to
increase your muscle (lean mass).  Having more muscle increases your
metabolism; this means you burn more calories at rest—while you sleep,
sit, drive, and breathe—people with lean bodies burn off excessive fat
calories and thus keep the body to a healthy fat to lean mass ratio.
¾ The Ultimate Advantage=Use exercise with proper eating to
maximize weight loss and weight maintenance!
• Again, quick-fix diets don’t work.   Less than 5% of people that lose
weight actually keep it off!  Wellness and healthy eating are long term—
a “lifestyle.”  The most successful people with PERMANENT weight loss
lose about three pounds per month.  This might not sound like much, but
at the end of the year, it’s over 50 pounds!  The general recommendation
is to lose between ½ to 2 ½ pounds per week.  Weight loss beyond 2 ½
pounds puts you at greater risk for losing muscle (lean mass).  Remember
that loss of muscle will “decrease” your metabolism and make it harder for
you to keep the weight off for the long term.  
¾ It is best to take the slow but steady path—consistent endurance
with Wellness will get you there safely…enjoy your journey.

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