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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

issues to keep in mind:

Taken alone, these simple tactics will have very little effect. Used alone
without any other dietary changes and an exercise plan, these strategies
won’t amount to much. However, as I mentioned, it’s often many minor
mistakes adding up to a lack of results for people. Taken in that context,
these are some simple mistakes that can be avoided, hopefully resulting
in an accumulated effect in a positive direction.
2. I didn’t invent any of these tips. They are some of the oldest and simplest
tips you will ever read. I don’t even know who first came up with them,
and I bet most people have seen these strategies in other places, such as
various diet books, articles, or web sites. I do, however, think that they
may be so old and so simple that most people—with the best of intentions about their nutrition and exercise plans—still don’t follow these
simple concepts.
These tips are more about behavior changes and psychology than nutritional science, study results, or research. I
have written many articles based on the latter topics, but
this is not one of those. People interested in a more “hard
core” science–oriented article will probably enjoy the
next section of this e–book called “The Whey to Weight
Loss” which looks at the studies with whey protein and its possible effects
on weight loss. In addition to that, if you are looking for more in–depth,
science–oriented information about nutrition, supplements, and fat loss or
gaining muscle, I suggest reading my e–books on the topic and the many
free articles on the Brinkzone.

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