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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Simplicity + Consistency = Succes

The above is what I consider the basics of
the KISS approach to nutrition, supplements, and training. You will have to fill
in some of the blanks as it applies to you
specifically. If you are making steady predictable progress, great, stick to it. If you
are not making progress in your goals to
add muscle and or lose fat, however, then you may need to sit down and
seriously rethink your approach. Is there added complexity where you know
it’s not needed? Are you relying too heavily on supplements to achieve your
goals? Do you find yourself doing exercises that are less effective than the
good old fashioned basics, like squats, dead lifts, and bench press? Do you
keep jumping on diets that work for some period of time, then when you
go back to your “normal” way of eating, the weight comes right back?
I can’t answer those questions for you, but hopefully I’ve made you think—
which is half of the battle. You know what they say, you can lead a horse to
water but you can’t make him think!

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