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Saturday, December 24, 2011

arabic Mehandi designs

A collection of arabic designs for the palm, fingers and arm. Mix and match them to create a design that fits your taste!

Arm Designs:

Motifs :
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Lemon-Egg Shampoo for Bouncy and Shiny Hair 
1 egg
1 tsp. lemon juice
3 tbs. unscented shampoo
Fragrance oil of your choice
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Shampoo into your hair and rinse well.
The egg will act as a conditioner and the lemon juice will bring shine to hair!

Oatmeal Bath or Facial Scrub 

1 small bar castile or baby soap, grated (or Dove soap for dry skin problems)
2 cups oatmeal, blended or processed into powder
1 small package blanched almonds, blended with the oatmeal
Mix the ingredients well. Put in a pretty jar with a plastic spoon. Use 2 to 3 tablespoons in bath water, or use 1 teaspoon to scrub face.

Almond Rosewater Body Lotion 

1/4 cup rosewater (can be purchased at some health food stores or pharmacies)
1/4 cup glycerin
2 tbs. witch hazel 1 tbs. almond oil
Mix together rosewater and glycerin. Add witch hazel and almond oil. Stir completely to dissolve. Pour into a pretty bottle.

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Recommend below are the secret recipe for healthy drinking.

Carrot + Ginger + Apple 
> Boost and cleanse our system.

Apple + Cucumber + Celery 
> Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple 
> Improve skin complexion and bad breath.

Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk 
> Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.

Orange + Ginger + Cucumber 
> Improve skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon 

> To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi 
> To improves skin complexion.

Pear & Banana 
> To regulates sugar content.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango 
> Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight

Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk 
> Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increases cell activity and Strengthen body

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk 
> Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.

Banana + Pineapple + Milk 
> Rich in Vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation

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Steep a pair of Earl Grey teabags in boiling water, run them under a tap and place over eyes for 10 minutes before night out.

Use four bags of chamomile tea. Leave them to steep for 5 minutes then hold your face over the bowl.

Freeze cooled chamomile tea in an ice-cube tray. When set, remove cubes and run over your face.

Soak some gauze in cooled green tea and apply on skin the way you would a toner.


Heat a cup of olive oil in the microwave for a few seconds. Massage onto dry areas of your skin.

Heat enough olive oil to fill half a small clothes basin. Soak your hands in the oil for about 10 minutes, followed by the feet.

Use it as a conditioner by leaving warmed olive oil on your hair for 15 minutes before shampoo.

Remove all traces of mascara by dipping an overused mascara wand into some olive oil and use it to apply on your lashes the way you would mascara.


Chop up a cucumber and drizzle a few drops of lemon juice in the mixture. Apply on your face.

Soothe tired eyes by cutting two rounds and place them on the eyelids.

Rub down hot skin with a mixture of chopped cucumber, olive oil and plain


For sparkling teeth, mix one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice with one teaspoon of
bicarbonate of soda and half teaspoon of salt. Use like toothpaste - once a week.

Lighten the skin and smoothens rough edges of elbows and knees. Cut a lemon
into two halves and rest your elbows in each half for 15 minutes. Or squeeze juice of lemon and apply on your knees.


Peel a tomato and chop it finely before spreading on face. Work as an effective cleanser and gentle astringent to tighten pores.


Squeeze juice of an orange and mix with a tablespoon of plain yoghurt. Apply on face, avoiding the eye area. Rinse off after 10 minutes and splash face with cold water.


A great way to get rid of dark undereye circles. Run a large potato in a blender.
Squeeze the pulp to get rid of excess juice and form two patties from it. Place the patties over your eyes and keep them there for 10 minutes.


Pound the kernel and add body lotion to blend into smooth paste. Use it as a
gentle exfoliator for face. Note the pip is the rough "seed" and the ivory kernel is what you need when split open the pip.


Massage mayonnaise into your hair after shampoo. Leave it on for a few minutes
before rinse off. You can also use mayonnaise as a lip mask. Leave it on for 10 minutes before removing with cold water.


Mash a ripe one and use it as a facial mask; rinse off after 10 minutes. To get rid of puffy eyes; use a linen cloth, make a "moneybag" filled with mashed avocado. Dab it gently on eyes.


Chop ginger and mix it with body lotion for a facial scrub. Avoid the sensitive eye area.


Soak a cotton pad with cool fresh milk and press it gently all over your face. Besides protein to feed your face, it gets rid of dirt thoroughly.

Chill a cup of milk in the fridge before pouring the contents into a clothes spray. Use it like a spritzer over inflamed skin.

Warm a bowl of milk in the microwave for half a minute and pour contents into a clothes basin. Soak your feet for half an hour and then give it a good hard brush to remove dead skin.


Mix two teaspoons of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of honey with just
enough warm water to make a thick paste. Spread the mixture all over your face and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with water.


For a three-in-one pre-bath treatment; blend two tablespoons of brown sugar with
one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and two to three drops of olive oil. Rub the paste over rough areas like the knees and elbows. Citric acid from the lemon
unclogs the pores, skin-polishing sugar gets rid of surface dirt and olive oil moisture the skin.


Run about 10 unripe cherries in a blender. Mix the juice with a tablespoon of dry oatmeal and use as a five-minute facial mask.

For the body; mix cherry juice with a tablespoon of sea salt and massage over
damp skin.


Dilute one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of water then heat it in the
microwave for 10 seconds. When it's cooled, apply on your lips and leave for 10 minutes.

To dry out pimples, pour out a teaspoon of honey into a bowl. Dip a cotton bud into the honey and apply on the spots.

For a temporary facelift, use just the eggwhite. Mix it with a tablespoon of honey
and spread over face and throat in an upward motion. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Whisk egg yolk with a tablespoon of olive oil and leave on your hair for a few minutes before your shampoo. It makes a great hair conditioner.


Mash half a ripe papaya with two teaspoons of honey. Apply to areas of face that
are prone to wrinkles such as between the brows and along the sides of the nose. Leave on it for 10 minutes.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thirteen Ways to Stay Fit When There’s No Time to Exercise?

Thirteen Ways to Stay Fit When There’s No Time to Exercise?

While looking at an article by a leading fitness guru, I was struck by her emphasis on making exercise a priority and finding a way to fit in your gym time at any cost. Although she’s right in principle, I couldn’t help thinking that this woman cannot possibly be a working mom with small children!
Those of us who are balancing multiple roles – as parent, worker, spouse, school volunteer, household manager, and responsible citizen -- often find that 24 hours per day simply aren’t enough. Fitness gets put on the back burner.
Even if you’re lucky enough to be able to set aside time to work out, things like school holidays, childhood illnesses, and teacher conferences have a way of eating up these extra hours along with our best intentions.
You may not have time to go to the gym, but you can still be physically active and boost your metabolism by using a bit of creativity in planning your day. During a recent week when my kids were side-lined by a nasty cold, I started thinking about ways to be physically active when going to the gym was out of the question. I also asked some trainers for their advice. We came up with the following ways to fit exercise into a packed-full day:
1. If you’ve got a young sports enthusiast in the family, play along. Shooting baskets and kicking a soccer ball around the yard are great ways to get your heart pumping. Thirty minutes of cardio training are recommended, but even five to ten minutes will elevate your energy and speed your metabolism.
2. Take the kids for a walk. If their pace is too slow, add some lunges, jumping jacks, or running in place every few minutes to make yourself work harder.
3. Pull young children in a wagon through the neighborhood. Or give them a ride in a jogging stroller.
4. Let little children ride bicycles or tricycles while you jog behind.
5. Get into some vigorous sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming. These types of housekeeping chores can burn a significant number of calories.
6. We’ve all heard the benefits of taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Everything you’ve heard is true.
7. Likewise, getting off the bus or subway a stop or two before your destination on a regular basis adds up to a lot of heart-healthy walking.
8. Do yoga or Pilates while you, or the kids, unwind in front of a movie. While watching TV, do push-ups or sit-ups during commercials. Even one per commercial during a two-hour movie can give you some good exercise.
9. In a sedentary job, take your breaks outdoors and have a brisk, short walk. You’ll also improve your concentration and mood.
10. Dance or do aerobics at home. No one’s watching, anyway. If you like, include the little ones and turn it into a game.
11. Practice stretching or light yoga moves while talking on the phone, listening to the news, or while dinner is cooking.
12. Find the high-energy items on your to-do list and tackle these when you need physical activity. Think about washing the car, digging the garden, mowing the lawn, or reorganizing a closet.
13. Get up 15 to 30 minutes earlier than the rest of the family and use this time for a run, a walk, or some stretching and yoga.

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Ten Tips for Healthy Eating On the Run?

Ten Tips for Healthy Eating On the Run?
Ten Tips for Healthy Eating On the Run?

Lack of time is a major reason why many people forego healthy eating. Fast food is readily available and it’s just too tempting, and it’s cheap and filling. While eating fast food is never as healthy as a well-planned, balanced diet, if you must eat fast food, you can easily take steps to improve the quality of your nutrition when on the run.
1. Watch portion sizes. Your craving will likely be satisfied after you have finished a small order of fries, and you’ll save over 100 calories when compared with the super-sized order. The same holds true for sandwiches. Order the regular version or even a kid’s meal for yourself.
2. Seek out deli-style fast food chains where you can order a sub or sandwich on whole wheat bread or a wrap, a lower-fat and lower-calorie option than fried food.
3. Many fast food chains now offer healthy sides in place of the ubiquitous French fries. Take the healthy option. Or, if you can’t bear to give up the grease and salt, get the healthy side order too.
4. Always order a side salad when eating at traditional fast-food outlets. You will be less likely to fill up on only the unhealthy items, and the salad will provide some fiber and vitamins to balance an otherwise unhealthy meal.
5. Remember that chicken isn’t always a healthy choice. Many fast food chains offer fried breaded chicken sandwiches on white bread that are actually richer in fat and calories than a burger. Grilled chicken is a better option.
6. Make it a habit to eat a piece of fruit, a bowl of cereal, or some lowfat yogurt before you set out to run errands. Regular eating can help you feel full and avoid temptation.
7. Stock your car with bottled water and healthy snacks. Have a small snack before the cravings hit, and you’re less likely to pull into that drive-through fast food outlet.
8. Consider a supermarket for your fast food break. You can pick up precut and washed fresh fruit or vegetables, yogurt, or lowfat cheese. Many supermarkets also offer sushi or other healthy prepared items.
9. Hold the mayo. A tablespoon of regular mayonnaise has almost 100 calories!
10. Don’t add a sugary, calorie-rich drink to an already unhealthy meal. Water is available everywhere and is good for you. Drinking a large glass of water with your meal will help you feel fuller earlier.
Section: Ten
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What to Order When You’re Eating Out…

What to Order When You’re Eating Out…
What to Order When You’re Eating Out…
Here are some hints on how to order from menus. Ask if you can get nutrition facts for menu
• Trim the fat from broiled meat and order without sauces or gravy.
• A filet, flank, or London broil steak is the leanest cut.
Salad Bar
• Be careful about potato and pasta salads, bacon bits, marinated vegetables, olives, fruits in
heavy syrup, and seeds or nuts.
• One ladle of creamy salad dressing can be about 300 calories.
• Select dark, leafy greens, raw vegetables and fruits, lean ham or turkey and cottage cheese.
• Use fat-free dressing or low-fat dressing in small amounts.
• Many menu items can be made to order. Request no oil (ask for broth or stock instead) or
ask for only a small amount of oil.
• Choose items with large portions of vegetables.
• Avoid wontons, egg rolls, sweet and sour choices, fried rice, fried dumplings, sesame
noodles, egg foo young, and tempura.
• Pasta with red sauce (marinara, red clam, or marsala) is a great choice unless the sauce has
high fat meat such as sausage.
• Avoid cream sauces such as Alfredo or butter sauce as well as parmigiana, beef lasagna,
cheese sauce or filling, pesto, carbonara, sausage dishes and garlic bread.
• Vegetable pizzas can have half the calories of the “works” type.
• Ask for extra vegetables to replace the meat on pizza.
• You can request ½ of the cheese as well.
• Chicken fajitas, tortillas and Spanish rice without sour cream and guacamole are often OK
• Go easy on chips and rich/fried items on the menu such as chili rellanos, nachos, chorizo,
chimichangas, flautas, and taco bowl salads.
Fast Foods
• Choose BBQ or broiled and grilled chicken sandwiches as well as a regular hamburger or
roast beef sandwich instead of jumbo burgers and fried sandwiches.
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Tips for Healthy Eating Out We

Tips for Healthy Eating Out We
Tips for Healthy Eating Out We
We are eating out more than ever. When dining out, it is easy to eat more calories and fat as well
as food that is less healthy. Try these ideas for healthy dining-out.
Dining Ideas:
1. No matter where you’re eating, practice eating small portions. Take half the entrĂ©e home or
split the meal with your friend. Order an appetizer as a main course instead.
2. Skip parts of the meal you like less. Have an “I can eat that food any old time” approach.
3. Go to places where you can order healthy, lowfat meals.
4. Ask to substitute high fat items like french fries for a baked potato or side salad instead.
Request items be made without butter or oil.
5. Eat a little less at noon to save for a special dinner later, but don’t skip meals. This can lead
to eating too much.
6. Eat something 30 minutes before your meal to help be in better control of your choices. Eat
a piece of fruit or have a glass of water with lemon.
7. Avoid buffets, and all-you-can-eat specials.

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